Classic Scottish cuisine

Fine shades of green pitted with shades of purples and greys, delicate hues of browns and creams and textures so varied they make your eyes sparkle with anticipation. The view being described is not that out of the window as the Belmond Royal Scotsman meanders along with a gentle rhythm, but the view of the fine masterpiece of a meal before you. A delightfully mouth-watering bowl of steaming Scottish mussels with seasonal greens and a sauce so tasty the memories of this meal will live on long after it has been consumed.
While on board the charming train that is the Belmond Royal Scotsman you will experience a world like no other. A world devoted to providing a rail journey that is full of luxury, comfort and most importantly truly Scottish. This encounter goes far beyond the basic experience of travelling by rail in beautifully restored carriages. This adventure is about embracing Scotland and all it has to offer, views of scenery and landscapes that will leave you speechless, wildlife, castles and lochs to be admired and authentic Scottish cuisine to be enjoyed. Prepare yourself for a dining experience like no other, a unique and memorable occasion that will stay with you forever.
Firstly dressing for dinner enhances the experience and alternating evenings require formal or informal dress codes. Formal being a tuxedo or kilt for the male and a cocktail dress for the lady. Informal dining evenings offer a more relaxed atmosphere and require suits and ties and fine dresses, no matter which evening you are dressed for, the dinner will be just as tantalising and authentic each and every night.
Every day award-winning chefs create meals with imagination, creativity and passion using exciting flavours and ingredients locally sourced. Fine food from the Scottish mountains, forests and rivers is presented like an artist’s masterpiece, skilfully prepared and handcrafted for you to admire. From succulent game, wild salmon, kedgeree, Scottish mussels, delicate salads, pigeon, halibut, to Aberdeen Angus beef so tender and fresh you’re sure to be inspired by what the extensive menu on board has to offer. Ensuring the menu includes produce that is derived from seasonality you can be sure of food that is fresh and delightfully delicious on the palate.
Whether you are dining in the evening or taking in the early morning sunrise views, the cuisine onboard is nothing but spectacular. Scottish cooked breakfast provide more opportunity to sample even more authentic flavours, or if it is something lighter you require continental breakfasts are served alongside.
Dining on fine Scottish cuisine on board the Belmond Royal Scotsman is an elegant experience that allows for meals to be savoured, enjoyed and shared with others, something we don’t always have time for at home in daily life, so whatever you do take a moment to capture the memories and take them with you when you alight.