Vote for us at the British Travel Awards 2015

BTA Awards 2015

We are delighted to let you know that Planet Rail has once again been shortlisted in the British Travel Awards. This year we are proud to have been nominated in a 2nd category, the “Best Holiday Company for Customer Service”

The British Travel Awards are the most prestigious of their kind in the travel industry.
So we are really excited to be nominated in 2 categories this year. It’s a great achievement and we’re reaching out to all of you to get involved and vote for us once more.

Thank you very much for voting for us in 2014. We were extremely pleased to receive the bronze award.

As in previous years we have been short listed for the ‘Best Rail Holiday Company’award. Each award has three categories – large, medium and small companies – we have been placed in the ‘small companies’ category.

We have also been short listed for the ‘Best Holiday Company for Customer Service’, again in the small company category. We really think we might have a chance to win in both categories, so every vote really does count!

We are urging anyone who has travelled with Planet Rail since we opened for business in 2008 to please vote for us.

Your friends, family or colleagues can vote for us too, if they like what Planet Rail has to offer. All support will be greatly appreciated. Anyone who votes is also in with the chance of winning some great prizes.

Please click the button below to vote for us – it will only take a couple of minutes.

vote button

Voting opens July 6th and continues until 30th September. Thank you in advance for your support.