Train Holiday Memoirs – A Planet Rail Customer’s Account of their Train Holiday to Switzerland & Italy by Rail Part 4

September 21 2014

In Geneva’s Parks and Tapas

We enjoyed an over-priced lunch in a beautiful setting by the Lake, followed by a walk in the Botanics which were nice but not a patch on those in Edinburgh.

Geneva parks

We were also surprised to see no sign of a cuckoo clock, but in true Swiss style they did deliver little pieces of Toblerone to the hotel room last night!

One definite must-do for train holiday visitors to Geneva… we had a wonderful tapas in the quaint Cottage Cafe in Brunswick Gardens. Make this a must if you ever visit here.

Aside from visiting the Botanics, Toblerone and a lack of cuckoo clocks, our first day in Geneva also saw Mel get an eyeful from a Swiss pigeon, quite literally. I can safely say he was not best pleased.

On our bus tour of the city this morning the guide mistook me for a Japanese woman. Easily done I suppose and I was always told by my dad that I looked Japanese when I was born. Anyway, we have been impressed with the free public transport pass we have been given by the hotel and the fact that you can hire bikes free for four hours – it’s great system to have in place.

It’s at this point that I don’t think I have really given enough credit to Guy at Planet Rail (, who organised all the tickets and hotels for us. So far all has gone to plan and we really like this hotel in Geneva, even if it took us a while to understand how to pronounce it – Hotel N’VY (

It has a very contemporary feel and the room is both spacious and spotless.

I especially love the sign over the bed:

Funky sign over bed

Well it is cocktail time. Enough said.

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